Spectrum Skillz

Martial Classes for Kids on the Spectrum in the Columbus, GA, Area

We Offer Taekwondo for Kids on the Spectrum

Spectrum Skillz is the perfect program for 7-12 year olds on the spectrum. Developed with the unique needs of those on the spectrum in mind. Spectrum skillz offers a unique martial arts program that uses game-based learning as a way to help children on the spectrum develop skills they may have been underdeveloped in comparison to their non-ASD peers. Through this program, children can build confidence and focus, as well as develop language and gain motor skills. With Spectrum Skillz, children on the spectrum can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world around them and learn how to better interact with it. With Spectrum Skillz, your child can gain the skills they need to thrive!

What Momentum Taekwondo Plus Does Differently

Our Spectrum Skillz Program is specially designed for children on the autism spectrum and builds their necessary skillz:

  • Awareness
  • Detailing
  • Observation
  • Listening
  • Communication
  • Retention
  • Durability
  • Determination
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